

about admin

age: 30
sign: gemini
sexuality: pansexual
status: nsa/nsr
time zone: GMT-4 Eastern
do not ask for my admin ooc information & please do not use pet names on me. they make me uncomfortable.although i am also a gardener ooc, hoseok and myself are not the same. our personality traits may have similarities but any details or involvement you have with my muse is strictly that. please don't try to force yourself into my personal/head space.again like my muse, i am an avid potsmoker. i have been over ten years. though we are a stoner, we are professional and keep our muse and plotlines as such. in fact we kind of tend to write too much and are a little too formal. if this makes you uncomfortable or strikes hints of insecurity, please //let me know and i will pull back. please understand any future plots with Hoseok will be sfw.xo - S.


this account is for entertainment and roleplay purposes only. i am obviously not hobi & do not belong to any part of their entertainment company .i generally do not keep my dm's open so if you are interested in writing with us, please get to know me a bit and approach on the tl first. strangers immediately approaching me to plot makes my anxiety spike a bit. no offense.i have a kind demeanor but often teeter into a sadistic headspace as my tolerance for the human race is pretty low these days. as a result, i have found i can not be a caretaker for littles or most humans alike. plants are the only living things i can manage to care for with a dedicated capacity and headspace for the occasion.we do not have really any triggers or hard stops when it comes to writing. though we have many words muted because of personal taste. i have made hoseok a muse that can work with all types of worlds/species/and scenarios.


this is a nsfw roleplay account. therefor, we prefer interactions with those over 21+ but absolutely 18+ so there is never a worry about content, subject matter or muses interests clashing.admin prefers to write descriptive/literate works. however, i will 100% mirror whatever you're giving me. length, style, etc: i have come to find most people write in third person. i'm fine with this but also enjoying writing in first person (especially action/adventure lit).i work full time. replies and starters will never be rushed from my end but i do really enjoy writing and building worlds with people so please interact with us. i expect you to give the same courtesy if we do plot not godmod or metagame us. i do not like when writers predict my muse's reactions, actions or words within a scene. if you have a question or would like to include these types of actions within a response //hit me up ooc and we will move forward from there.most conversations are always in character. like most i will indicate with brackets and a sunshine symbol when admin is speaking on the tl or //this in dms.


✗ voyeurism/exhibitionism
✗ sensory play
✗ primal/prey tendencies
✗ intelligence